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Speculative design


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In the vast symphony of nature, nonhuman entities like plants often go unnoticed due to their subtle communication, which lacks the overt expressiveness familiar to humans. In this project, we embark on an exploration of "plant-blindness", seeking to illuminate the often-unseen actors in the natural world.

Our approach extends beyond mere observation; we've envisioned artifacts from the future, set in the year 2050, as a form of eco-art activism. Through these creations, we narrate a dystopian scenario, compelling individuals to confront the intricate relationship with plants and recognize the fragile equilibrium supporting our ecosystem. By immersing viewers in a speculative future, we aim to awaken a profound understanding of the significance of plants and the urgent need for environmental stewardship.

User interviews, stakeholder workshops, moodboards, world building, iterative prototyping and testing
Raising awareness, fostering connection with nature, and promoting sustainable behaviors.
Chelsea Physic Garden, Priviglaze

Listening to different users

In the initiation of Project Plan A: Plant Planet, we embarked on a foundational phase, meticulously grasping the quintessential components and prevailing sentiments surrounding plants through rigorous secondary research. To amplify our understanding, we conducted nuanced interviews with key stakeholders, botanists, and the general public—an endeavor marked by paired interactions to capture a diverse spectrum of experiences.

Upon methodically collecting and dissecting the interview data, we synthesized our findings into a comprehensive report. Recognizing the palpable disconnection between individuals and nature, we strategically formulated the project's components. Opting for storytelling as our primary medium, we sought to narrate a compelling message aimed at reshaping priorities toward our shared Earth.

In the intricate landscape of our project, designed to foster a profound understanding of individuals' relationships with plants and unveil the intricate connections within our ecosystem, ongoing collaboration with Plan A's key contacts was pivotal. This deliberate engagement ensured the seamless harmonization of our three provocative prototypes with user expectations.

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Visual design strategy

To instill a sense of urgency, we recognized that prototyping, particularly provocative prototyping, serves as a pivotal instrument in fostering comprehension of interspecies relationships and acknowledging the symbiotic link between humans and plants. Crafting a narrative featuring fictional yet symbolic milestones, we delineate a trajectory toward a dystopian era. Drawing inspiration from Arup's meticulously researched "Extinction Express" within the 2050 Scenarios, our prototype designs are underpinned by a scenario envisioning environmental collapse and societal disintegration. This dystopian projection, derived from Extinction Express, accentuates the profound repercussions of climate change-induced destabilization and resource scarcity on the human-plant relationship. Our scenario prompts critical inquiries into the need for humanity's extreme resilience in the absence of a harmonious connection with nature, strategically utilizing provocative prototyping to convey these intricate dynamics and evoke a compelling sense of urgency.

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Response to insights

In developing the three prototypes for "Plan A," we embraced the methodology of professional speculative designers. Our journey began with an extensive world-building process, immersing ourselves in a future where plants are crucial for ecosystem survival. Crafting a narrative further illuminated the dependencies on plants, guiding our design direction. Finalizing the prototypes, blending digital and physical elements, reflected an iterative process addressing challenges envisioned in our narrative. Inspired by the seamless integration seen in professional designs, our approach aimed to provide a cohesive, tangible experience, fostering a profound understanding of our intricate relationship with plants within the ecosystem.

 In crafting the three prototypes for "Plan A," we drew inspiration from a wide variety of sources: from the research paper on “Anthropocentric Habitation of Mars Through Parametric Design” to sci-fi movies such as Blade Runner, Creator, AI etc, to gathering insights on our future scenario with Nell Joan (Chelsea Physic Garden Botanist and the inspiration of our main character in our storyline) to previously done speculative design projects in order to employ a more comprehensive approach.

Prototype Testing

We tested our storyline with different users and made a few amendments based on the feedback received, some of the feedback proved to be so meaningful as it helped shape our direction altogether. We then used this feedback to focus our efforts on highlighting the prototypes and critically evaluating their existence in the future and removed any unnecessary additions to our design that could potentially deter from the main storyline.

Using the insight from the mood board workshop, we developed our diegetic prototypes which soon saw its evolution into eco-art activism.  These diegetic prototypes included the following: a sealed ecological chamber hosting plants used to improve indoor air quality, a shrine of the last flower on earth, and the plant suit.

Creation of design

For our "Plan A" project, Chelsea Physic Garden played a pivotal role, offering guidance and assistance with plant-related aspects. The collaboration extended to an interview with Nell Jones, the botanist whose insights shaped the design of our main character. Additionally, Priviglaze contributed to our project by providing their technology, enhancing our design process.

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This gallery provides a glimpse into our behind-the-scene-making process through our own documentation. This segment holds witness to the meticulous craftsmanship and innovation that breathe life into our creations. 

Alexa Young, CA

lorem ipsum

Future Aspects

In developing the three prototypes for "Plan A," we embraced the methodology of professional speculative designers. Our journey began with an extensive world-building process, immersing ourselves in a future where plants are crucial for ecosystem survival. Crafting a narrative further illuminated the dependencies on plants, guiding our design direction. Finalizing the prototypes, blending digital and physical elements, reflected an iterative process addressing challenges envisioned in our narrative. Inspired by the seamless integration seen in professional designs, our approach aimed to provide a cohesive, tangible experience, fostering a profound understanding of our intricate relationship with plants within the ecosystem.

 In crafting the three prototypes for "Plan A," we drew inspiration from a wide variety of sources: from the research paper on “Anthropocentric Habitation of Mars Through Parametric Design” to sci-fi movies such as Blade Runner, Creator, AI etc, to gathering insights on our future scenario with Nell Joan (Chelsea Physic Garden Botanist and the inspiration of our main character in our storyline) to previously done speculative design projects in order to employ a more comprehensive approach.

Prototype testing

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