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Final Major Project - Week 9

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Plan A: Plant Planet

Challenging the hirerchy between plants and human.


Jumleena Bhagawati, Charlie Hou, Devin Wang


20/04/23 - 27/04/23

Welcome to week 9 of our Project Plan A: Plant planet

In our recent blog post, I provided

- Exhibition setup -

We did a test assembly of the different parts of the prototype to see what would look visually more appealing. Then we took it apart and reassembled it in the exhibition space.

As we approach the exhibition, our focus sharpens on how best to showcase our work and ensure its clarity within the confined space of our booth.

--- User Test For the Last Flower Website --

On the side, I also focused on perfecting the website for the shrine with feedback from my teammates and other participants during user tests. We decided to keep it simple with a lot more focus on the flower than adding too many details to it which might confuse people.

Finalized website for the last flower shrine

 --- Final finishing touches --

After setting up the space, me and charlie also focused on adding details to the prototypes such as details of the product, warning labels, instructions to use, photos to the space to showcase the use of the products, and adding lights to the shrine to make it stand out.

Final results of our setup:


With that, we waited for the exhibition to finally begin!!

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