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Southwark 2030: Week 5

Updated: Apr 27, 2023


Design a way for residents to imagine Southwark in 2030.


Group 3: Jumleena Bhagawati, Devin Wang, Weiting Chi, ChiaLin Ma (Jolin)


4/03/23 - 10/03/23 (Week 5)

Welcome to week 5 of Macro UX.

Recap: In week 4 of Macro UX, we decided to focus on addressing the drawbacks and breaking up and scrutinizing our whole concept. We drew a plan for how the next two weeks would progress and decided to stick to a strict timeline. For the current week, along with addressing the drawbacks we wanted to draft a sample for the audio as well as the visual for the immersive installation and test it out during the presentation. The construction for the base design was planned to start from the latter half of week 4, which made us eager to get our hands on the materials such that we could possibly get a head start on building the design.

- Testing in LSBU -

Testing the prompts in London South Bank University


- Construction-

Constructing the installation


However, while connecting the frames we had to arrange the 3 walls in a way which made it foldable and easier to carry.



The Video:

Developing the interaction

- Final Presentation -

- Evaluation & Feedback -

We're thrilled to share the positive feedback we received from our stakeholders in this project.

The feedback we received from our stakeholders was overwhelmingly positive, with several common themes emerging:

Quality of Work:

Our project partners were impressed with the quality of our work, particularly the attention to detail and the thoroughness of our deliverables. They were amazed to see the scale of our life sized model and appreciated that we delivered as we promised.

Project Scope: Another area of feedback we received was related to the project scope. Our project partners felt that our model had the potential to help people think about the future, engage them and get them together to talk about the future. However, it was mentioned that the prompts could be rephrased/reconstructed in order to generate more valuable insights.

Overall, the project was well received. Was there room for improvement in this design before the final presentation? Definitely, starting with the prompts. Also, the flow of the whole process was not clear to the user while testing during the presentation. We realized the need for some indicators to show a pathway that leads from the start to the end of the experience to make it more seamless.

During the presentation, we could only showcase how we utilized the two sides of the 3 sided installations. As a future prospect, we would like to transform the third wall into a huge community art space where everyone could draw and engage with each other based on a single prompt such as "Imagine waking up on a typical day 7 years from now. What does your world look like? Draw a picture of your future self and surroundings, and describe the key elements that make this future world uniquely yours "

- Reflection-

Receiving positive feedback has been a great affirmation of our hard work and dedication to this project. Our team really worked together seamlessly and throughout this project, I realized the value and potential of effective collaboration. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such fantastic people. Moving forward, we'll take the lessons we've learned from this project and apply them to future work to continue delivering high-quality results.

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