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Southwark 2030: Week 1

Updated: Apr 18, 2023


Design a way for residents to imagine Southwark in 2030.


Jumleena Bhagawati, Devin Wang, Weiting Chi, ChiaLin Ma (Jolin)


02/02/23 - 09/02/23 (Week 1)

Welcome to week 1 of Macro UX.

Our brief for this project was to design a way for residents to imagine Southwark in 2030.

As a huge group of 10, we were expected to work on the brief together and eventually break out into smaller groups and focus on individual design methods that would bring the community together.

Thus, to get a better understanding of the London borough of Southwark and create a design method we started initially with some secondary research followed by a brainstorming session. After we conducted some primary research on the residents of Southwark to gather information regarding their awareness of council events and the kind of events that they would like to attend.

The secondary research, the brainstorming session, and the primary research are elaborated on below in this blog post.

- Research -

We started the week diving head-first into research to gather information abouth Southwark and its residents.

Secondary research

- Brainstorming and primary Research -

Generating Ideas

After conducting the secondary research, we decided to explore a few design options that would inspire people to think about the future.

We made a list of those options in a miro board to use as a reference later. Our inspiration included: creative workshops, immersive installations, and interactive booths.

Primary research based on the brainstorming session

Previously we gathered that there was a lack of sufficient engagement of the younger people with the council in regards to their expectation of the borough in the year 2030 (20-30 year old's, especially youngsters belonging to minority ethnic group are our target audience).


To gather insights on how to engage more people to attend council events

Working on Making the survey board:

We created 3 similar survey boards where we segregated our design inspirations into three categories: Activities/games(workshops), Immersive installation, and Public interaction booth.


The group went out to conduct our interview. The groups decided to split into three groups and interview people on the streets, in the university, and shopkeepers.

Result & Analysis:

After analyzing the data gather we made the following realizations:

  1. People (usually belonging to minority groups) are mostly unware or the council events.

  2. Most of the young adults did not want to engage in the conversation.

  3. Most of the younger who engage with us prefered immersive events.

  4. Few people wanted event which were workshop.

- Presentation -

This week, our goal was to do research and out who we are designing for and what could be designed. During the presentation, we discussed our analysis and the events people voted the most for. Accordingly, we tried to imagine a timeline for our brief and we planned to draft a rough concept and test it out by next week.

- Evaluation & Feedback -

The feedback session was more of a discussion on how to proceed next with this brief. We were encouraged to try out a few design methods with the people attending the Southwark Conversation 2030, during our group visit to Tate Modern.

We were adviced to draw on a time-line and perform a few user tests so solidify a concept by the mid-week presentation.

- What's Next -

The research and the result obtained from the survey was great! The next step was to automatically try out a few of those concepts with a few participants to gather insights. The results for whether people prefered : Activities/games(workshops), Immersive installation, or Public interaction booths were pretty inconclusive, thus all three options were worth exploring. As it was cuttently a goup of 10 people working together for the primary and secondary research part of the project, we decided to regroup into smaller groups based on similar vision for the end result.

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