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  • jlbhagawati

Individual Brief: Pre FMP 1

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Exploring and navigating life as an individual through the ever growing technological landscape


20/08/23 - 27/08/23

Welcome to the blog where I document my journey through the individual briefs of pre-fmp. Here I have elaborated the 3 stages of developing my brief.

- The start -

- Journey and realization-

Contemplating the imminent technological singularity led me on a journey of introspection.

"With every existential question about questioning the future, I reverted to the same thing again: the present. Being in that headspace made me realize the duality of everything around us and the need for self-reflection to make sure we try an align ourselves towards a greater good.  " 

Through all of this, I was mingling with one of the most  written-after/read-about relationships of that mankind encountered: the relationship between time and space.

Thus amid the chaos, I found solace in the Japanese concept of 'ma'—the pause, the silence, the space between. So, I embarked on a project, not to outsmart the machines, but to dance with them in the elegant choreography of 'ma.' Because in a world hurtling towards singularity, a well-timed pause might just be the coolest algorithm.

- Inspiration and Prototyping-

Inspiration from related works:

Concept Designed:

Design inspiration:

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