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Final Major Project - Week 2



 Design for the relationship between humans and plants.


Charlie Hou, Jumleena Bhagawati, Devin Wang


09/10/23 - 13/10/23

Welcome to week 2 of Micro UX.

In this last blog post on Micro UX, I have presented our interests, our alignment with our goals, and the start of our journey as a team. For this week's blogs, I have presented our research and documentation of the steps we have taken, discussed the feedback received on the prototype, and my reflection on the week's work at the end of the post.

--Theme of the Week: General to specific--

Making a plan for this week

Based on the feedback from last week, we need to understand what the relationship between plants and humans is. At the same time, Al provided us with the previous UX course brief, which enriched the content of our thoughts.

We needed to use some research methods to get first-hand information. We wanted to find out what the average person really thinks about houseplants.

Meanwhile, we also tried to consider how to break the balance between household plants and humans during the research. We needed to propose a concept from a perspective that does not view plants as mere property.

--Research begins--

We created a research questionnaire with the aim of understanding people's attitudes towards plants. We have had extensive discussions about this survey.

I believe that it is best to frame the questions from the perspective of the respondents, with a focus on everyday topics.

Interview Questions:

  • Do you keep plants at home?

  • How do you take care of your house plants?

  • Have you had an instance where any of your house plants died?

  • What kind of relationship would you describe to have with your plant?

  • In certain religions people have been known to worship plants (give an example), did you know about this?

  • What do you think would make you worship plants? let people come up with a crazy story

  • Do you think human beings should develop a stronger relationship with plants? why

The outcome from interview:

  1. Everyone is interested in plants and the brief.

  2. The level of expertise in taking care of plants varies among individuals, but for the majority, it is more of a hobby.

  3. Regarding the death of indoor plants, replacing them after disposal is considered a normal practice.

  4. Despite the commonality of plant care, people's attitudes toward plants are quite diverse. Some individuals name their favorite plants, while most view plants as decorations or possessions.

  5. People may worship plants, but when asked about the fundamental reasons, it is often for blessings and personal satisfaction.

  6. Overall, they all believe in treating plants with care.

Recording receipt by Jumleena

Analysis and conclusion:

The inequality between humans and plants arises from treating household plants as commodities owned by humans. We take care of plants more like we are owners taking care of our property.

So we buy a new plant to replace a dead one, just as we do with our clothes.


To gather more inspiration, We collected some device concepts. Among them, wearable devices have provided us with some inspiration.

From these we selected our favourite projects, I believe they all emphasised the relationship between breathing and plants and were very appealing.

---Concept building---

Based on our research, we produced 4 options after intense brainstorming.

Concept 1:

"Breathing with Plant": Develop a wearable interactive device that allows people to carry plants with them, enabling them to move while breathing the air generated by the plants.

Concept 2:

Change the identity of plants as personal property. Through the exchange of household plants, encourage two closely related individuals to consider the plants as a connection between them. When one person takes care of their assigned plant, the other person's plant will respond by swaying. Observing the movement of the nearby plant, each individual can sense that the other is also tending to their plant, thereby strengthening their emotional bond.

Concept 3:

Plants can express their feelings. When you place your hand on the device, the plants will communicate their sensations and state to you through light and sound.

Concept 4:

Create an air vending machine where people exhale carbon dioxide inside to obtain oxygen pouches. These oxygen pouches are produced by plants, and it's visually apparent as they hang on the plants like fruits.

"n the realm of my creative endeavors, Concept Four fluttered into existence through me. I mulled over the essence of treasuring a plant and stumbled upon a whimsical truth: the delightful exchange of air. This whimsy birthed the notion of an oxygen vending machine, a playful rendezvous where we share breaths with our leafy companions. These green pals, embodying entrusted care, turn the idea of breaking their trust into a whimsical taboo. My imagination pirouetted into futuristic dystopian landscapes, pondering humanity's survival with the mass extinition of plants. Upon reflection, a curiosity blossomed to delve deeper into the dynamic interplay between humans and plants.


We presented the results of our research this week, along with a preview of the research methods we will use, such as love letters and breakup letters.

secondly, we showcased our latest concepts, and based on their reception, we will proceed with prototype development.

---Feedback ---

The connection between plants and breathing is intriguing, and there is a need to discuss the concept of human dependence on plants for air, emphasizing the necessity of this connection.

Emphasize the establishment of a strong connection with plants, considering mutual dependence.

Encourage exploration of concepts that evoke joy and connection with plants, rather than simplifying them into mere products.

This week's presentation revealed our outcomes are lacking. The main issue, in my view, is the excessive abstraction in our proposals. Detailed sketches help us visualize the product's structure and effects, but abstract ones leave me uncertain about implementation. There might be team disagreements on the importance of research, with some viewing it as a formality. However, the research process often yields valuable insights and inspiration. It's the nature of group collaboration to constantly adjust for progress.

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