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Final Major Project- Week 3

Updated: Nov 30, 2023



 Design for the relationship between humans and plants.


Charlie Hou, Jumleena Bhagawati, Devin Wang


16/10/23 - 20/10/23

Welcome to week 3 of the Final Major Project.

In this last blog post on Micro UX, I have presented my documentation of our prototyping, organizing a workshop, and a few post-workshop activities.I have also discussed the feedback received on the prototype and my reflection on the week's work at the end of the post.

- Theme of the Week: Survival of the fittest -

We all show an exclusive direction. Due to dissatisfaction with the outcomes from the previous week, we introduced some new ideas this week. For instance, we explored the concept of the Noosphere, suggesting that plants possess social consciousness and can communicate through their roots. — When you convey information to one tree in the forest, the entire forest becomes aware of it

We also want to continue the wearable concept from last week, relying on plants for breathing. However, we aim to extend it into a larger device and make it more extravagant, creating a world where humans depend on plants for survival.

My contribution is to introduce some practical technologies to help our project create some interesting possibilities. For example, taking inspiration from a plant machete, which uses electrical signals from plants to control a robotic arm, thereby breaking the static situation where the plant is being controlled.

--Concept building---

  • We came up with many crazy ideas, but couldn't choose the best one, mainly because of the fear that they might be impractical to implement.

  • This was one of my concepts at the time.

Transforming household plants into messengers between humans and the forest, bridging the gap between people and nature. All we need to do is take household plants and bury them in the forest, allowing them to participate in the forest's communication. The household plants will then record this information, and when we bring them back home, they will share the insights from the forest with us. (So abstract)

Technical Support

We consulted CTL technician Marta to help diagnose the feasibility of our solution.

Marta was really kind and did not reject any of our proposals. Instead, she helped us deduce solutions based on their achievability.

She planned out the implementation methods for all feasible solutions, taking into account factors such as time and resources.

After this conversation, we now have a more comprehensive understanding of our solution.

Concept Establishment

We ended up with four different proposals. In the end, we couldn't reach a consensus on a final solution. We have decided to leave the decision to Greg and Wan. Here are the four concepts.

--Presentation Feedback--

Wan and Greg liked our proposals and suggested that any one of them can proceed. However, based on their suggestion, we are going to continue with concept 4. They also provided us with some advice:

As we proceed with speculative design along concept 4, we can consult the group currently working on this to understand their approach.

Consider integrating elements from concepts 1 and 2 into concept 4.

Infuse realistic elements into speculative design to achieve more practical outcomes.

Most importantly, time is limited, and we need to start building the prototype.


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