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Final Major Project - Week 1

Updated: Nov 26, 2023



 Design for the relationship between human and plant.


Charlie Hou, Jumleena Bhagawati, Devin Wang


02/10/23 - 06/10/23

Welcome to week 1 of Micro UX.

In this last blog post on Micro UX, I have presented my documentation of our prototyping, organizing a workshop, and a few post-workshop activities.I have also discussed the feedback received on the prototype and my reflection on the week's work at the end of the post.

- Setting Off as a Team -

Devin, Charlie and I form a project team.

We realized that teaming up could give us a good opportunity to build on a bigger project taking into consideration all our individual interests. We brainstormed, covering topics from the climate crisis to the most recent topic of Japan's nuclear wastewater release.

As a team, we dove headfirst into the fascinating realms of non-human design, eco-friendly creations, and cutting-edge interaction concepts.

Charlie’s previous project- Plants as Partners

We reflected on a previous project by our teammate. When Charlie shared his personal projects, emphasized UX design for plants. We all became excited about designing UX for plants.

Picture us as a bunch of design aficionados on a mission to amp up our Earthly relationship. Now, personally, I get my kicks from envisioning the future, taking today's hot topics, flinging them into the future, and playing Nostradamus with what's to come.

So, with our passions in perfect harmony, we embarked on a brainstorming journey to uncover the one project that was meant to be – because why settle for anything less in the wild world of design adventures?

--Project Concepts and Presentation ---

Finally, we settled on our final brief: Exploring Methods To Enhance Human-Plant Relationship.

It's time to flip the script on plants, you know? Instead of being the wallflowers of the Earth, let's cast them as the planet's unsung superheroes. Imagine, a green crusader not just sprouting leaves but changing the very vibe of our surroundings, forcing humans to lend an ear to their eco-cries. Picture this botanical avenger swooping in, saving the day from our own mess. Sure, Charlie's genius sparked our inspiration, but i feel as though we have lauched ourselves into a whole new galaxy of ideas here. It's like they say, 'In the dance of concepts and narratives, art finds its rhythm not just in the steps but in the beat of its own unique melody.

We presented our new team and our new brief to our mentor. We showed how we deduced this new brief: From climate crisis to the relationship between humans and plants.

Nonhumans like plants are often overlooked as their communication and responses aren't as obvious to humans. Their lack of vocalization or expressiveness can lead to neglect despite their critical role in the ecosystem.

- Evaluation & Feedback -

In our feedback session, we received valuable advice to shift the balance between humans and plants. The suggestion was to delve into the connections people forge with their indoor green companions and truly grasp the dynamics of this relationship. The guidance encouraged us to leverage the influence of plants not just as decorative elements but as active contributors to our daily lives, enhancing their significance. By doing so, the aim is to not only elevate the importance of plants but also to weave them into the fabric of our daily routines, creating a shared experience that brings people closer together. It's a transformative approach that resonates with the idea that our leafy friends have the potential to enrich our lives in ways we might not have fully realized.

- Reflection -

"No break, No built".

As Devin says "No break, No built". The three of us, starting from scratch this week, have unleashed amazing creativity. Many things are unknown, but our atmosphere is very harmonious.

I'm truly grateful for the insightful guidance provided by Greg and Wan, emphasizing the intricate bond between plants and humans. Shifting away from the conventional approach of arranging plants solely from a human-centric perspective, the idea of viewing them as more than just decorations but as companions, akin to pets, introduces a whole new paradigm of human connection. This perspective opens up a fresh dimension, sparking a profound shift in how we perceive and engage with the green companions that share our living spaces. It's a transformative concept that has added a new layer to my understanding of the relationship between humans and plants, turning it into a richer and more nuanced experience.

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